Education in Faith

At Holy Spirit, we respectfully acknowledge the Wurundjeri people and their Elders past and present, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which Holy Spirit Community School is located. 

Welcome back!

I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you all this year. I will be leading the area of Education in Faith curriculum, working with our teaching staff to create engaging, reflective and relevant RE learning for our students. Marianne Condon will be leading the area of Sacraments, Liturgies and Masses in 2023. 

We cannot wait to share our learning with each of you.

Beginning of Year Mass

Our Beginning of Year Mass will be celebrated on Friday 10th February at 11:40am. 

All Welcome.


A prayer for the week.

Dear God,

Welcome students, staff and families to Holy Spirit Community School for 2023.  We warmly welcome those who have joined the Holy Spirit community this year; our new Prep students,  families and teachers, especially Sue, Bernadette, Kristina, Jacinta, Ruby, Maddy, Anne Marissa and Kahalea.


We are happy to be gathered together to ask for God’s blessing as we begin a new school year.  

Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. 

Open our hearts and minds to new friends and new teachers. 

Give us a generous and loving spirit to be enthusiastic with our learning  and courage to accept new opportunities. 

Help us to be attentive and kind to one another and let us experience Your presence in our  classroom and on the playground. 

Jesus, inspire us to do our best this year! 


Don't forget that we all belong to the Holy Spirit Family, and praying to Jesus each day keeps us strong and deepens our friendship with God.



Welcome back to our families. May this year be your best year ever.

Have a wonderful fortnight,

Kayla Flindt-Petersen


Welcome to a new school year.  A very special warm welcome to our prep children who are starting school for the first time.  We also welcome their families and any other new families to Holy Spirit.


Those of you who are new to the school please note that the Parish House is not open on Mondays.  Our office hours are 9am-4pm Tuesday to Friday.  Our Parish Priest is Father Arsenio Tuazon.  The Parish Secretaries are Ruth Frangeskakis on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Jenny Philp on Thursdays and Fridays.  Our Pastoral Associate, Jacinta Bibby, works Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  We also have weekday masses in our beautiful Chapel on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9.15 am.  All are welcome to attend.

Weekend masses are Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 9am in the Church or Sunday 5pm in the Chapel (for those families who may have weekend sporting commitments).  Should you require an appointment with Father, contact the Parish Office on 7036 9395.  We look forward to working with the children on their Sacramental programs and journeys during their time here at Holy Spirit.  The Parish bulletin “The Word” is available online at where you can catch up on our weekly news and events.


To kick start the new year there will be whole school mass on Friday 10th February at 11.40 am in the Church.  This is the opening year School Mass and parents and friends are most welcome to join the children in this special celebration.


This year we are holding Lenten Discussion Groups after a 2 year lull due to COVID.  There are 3 groups times on offer with each group running for 6 weeks.  They are Wednesday evenings 7.45-9.00 pm via Zoom, Thursday evening 7.45-9.15 pm in a Parishioner’s house and Sunday late afternoon 6.30-7.45 pm in the Parish House.  If anyone would like to join one of these groups, contact the Parish office and will add your name to the list.


Once again, welcome to 2023 and we look forward to working with your children and meeting you, their parents.


Holy Spirit is a child safe Parish.  We hold the care, safety and well being of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our Parish.

World Day of Prayer 2023 - Taiwan




2023 WDP Artist

Taiwan has a history of being colonized by different foreign governments, which led to experiences of ethnical, cultural, social, and political conflict and integration. The artist used several motifs that highlight Taiwan’s best-known features to express how the Christian faith brings peace and a new vision to Taiwan.

The women in the painting are sitting by a stream, praying silently and looking up into the dark. Despite the uncertainty of the path ahead, they know that the salvation of Christ has come.