Book Week 2022

Book Week Parade - Thank you
A huge thank you to all the families who created wonderful character costumes for our annual Book Week Parade.
It was a beautiful sunny morning, although the wind was a little strong at times for those of us wearing hats!
It was so good to be able to share the parade in person this year! Enjoy some of the photos below.
Author Visit
Yesterday Gus Gordon (author/illustrator) visited our school and conducted a session with all the children in Prep to Year 6. Gus was greeted in the playground by very excited children when he arrived at lunchtime!
During the session, Gus talked about how he comes up with ideas for books, the materials he sources and uses to construct his illustrations and he had everyone engrossed as he created an illustration in front of our eyes!
The children also had the opportunity to create their own illustrations and Gus was very impressed with our budding illustrators.
Happy reading!
Jane Wilkinson
Teacher Librarian