Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report
Child Safety
The Child Safety Team is continuing its work on the new Child Safe Standards. A reminder to parents/guardians/carers to please contact me at the College if you would be interested in having some input into the Child Safety Standards and their implementation at Nazareth College.
We continue to invite parents/guardians/carers to contact us or encourage your child to contact us if you have any questions or concerns in relation to the safety of your child as we are continually trying to grow and improve in this very important area.
Our Behavioural Expectations
At Nazareth College our students are familiar with the three behavioural expectations we have of our children, the three ‘R’s as we call them; Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We are currently working hard with students in the area of respect and responsibility through our Social and Emotional Learning Program, but also very much through the daily life in the College and the different opportunities and encounters it presents. All these moments provide opportunity for teachable moments as we acknowledge where one of these three expectations is lived out, or discuss what it would look like if it was not present. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to have conversations with your child about what respect looks like in a classroom, in the yard, on public transport, during a sporting activity etc. It appears that some of our younger students, after two years of learning predominantly from home, need some support and assistance in understanding what respect looks like in human, face to face relationships. We are working hard on this at school and invite parents/guardians/carers of Year 7 and Year 8 students to have conversations around respect and action, as a way of working together as a partnership to help all the individuals in our community to grow in respect. In particular, for our younger students, the way we speak to others, the names we use to address them and respecting our hands off policy are a few simple areas worthy of a discussion.
Looking Ahead
A reminder of some key dates as we look ahead:
- Tuesday 6 September 2022: Mid-Semester Reports available.
- Tuesday 13 September 2022: Year 7-10 Student Progress Meetings, 2.00 pm-7.00 pm.
- Thursday 15 September 2022, 3.10 pm: Last day of Term 3, 2022.
- Friday 16 September 2022: No students, no school. Staff Reflection Day.
- Monday 3 October 2022: First day of Term 4, 2022.
- Friday 14 October 2022: Year 12 Breakfast and dress-up day.
As we move into the final weeks of Term 3, we encourage students to keep working hard as they move towards the end of the term. We encourage them to ask for support from teachers if there are any problems that we can help them in their learning or with wellbeing issues.
God Bless
Mr Justin Duckett
Deputy Principal Staff and Students