Educación Física y Salud

Athletics Coburg Districts
23 of our students in grades 4, 5 and 6 proudly represented Newlands Primary School in the Athletics Districts. I am extremely happy to see our students competing and demonstrating the school values in this event where 12 other schools attended. I would like to give a special shout-out to Cyrus who made it to the 100m final and Ilya who achieved the 3rd position in long jump under her category. Moreover, some other students got the fourth position in different activities. Most importantly, they amazingly supported and cheered participants from all others schools. This in an incredible achievement and we are all very proud of them.
In the last four weeks, the main learning focus on F/1 students has been tennis. Together, we learned how grip una raqueta de tenis (tennis racket) safely following the handshake technique. Students had a great time when balancing la pelota de tenis (tennis ball) on their raquetas while moving the body in different ways. This was transferred to group activities, and they had the opportunity to participate in a carrera de relevos (relay race) while keeping the pelota on their raqueta at the same time. Moreover, most students improved their eye-hand -object coordination by performing golpe de derechas (forehand stroke) in pairs. At the same time, learners with advanced tennis skills were challenged to perform this technique using a red (net). Most students loved this learning unit as the initiation to sport activities in their lives. It would be great if they can have the opportunity to keep practising these skills at home!
Last week, we started the “Saltar a la Comba” (skipping the rope) learning unit where students are practising saltar (jumping) with rhythm and coordination over the rope. In addition, we are learning about the heart including its function, how we can change heartbeat and things we can do to take care of it.
Students in grades 2 and 3 have had a great opportunity to perform and refine golpe de derechas y golpe de izquierdas (forehand and backhand stroke) skills in tennis. We have greatly enjoyed doing this in a real tennis court where students have learned some of the rules and the meaning of different lines. In collaboration with their peers, they participated in activities that helped them improve eye-hand-object coordination and different cooperation skills necessary to achieve different goals. Some of the activities included a combination of strokes to pass the ball, to hit a target and to keep the rally on. Moreover, they have become more familiar with some Spanish vocabulary related to tennis, such as “lineas blancas” (whote lines), “red” (net), “raqueta” (racket) y “golpe” (hit). With no doubt, this learning unit has been one of the highlights of the year in PE so far.
In the last four weeks, our students in grades 4, 5 and 6 have used their bodies to perform specialised movement skills and apply them in different situations in Judo. These activities helped them develop skills to protect themselves using resistance and different ways to place the upper body to fall safely. During Judo activities, they have demonstrated ethical behaviours and have shown respect to their opponents by bowing before and after the wrestling. In addition, they have applied critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate solutions to movement challenges. The have also developed physical resilience and practise growth mindset by never giving up and always standing up and keep.
We have extremely enjoyed this program and look forward to learning more about martial arts in the future. However, we have started a new learning unit this week which is volleyball. In the next two classes we will learn some of the most practised hitting techniques in this sport as well as some cooperation and coordination skills to keep the ball in the air during group activities.