STEAM Donations
This is a friendly reminder that we need clean tin cans, tissue boxes and plastic bottles for our F/1 students to use in STEAM lessons. Items can be dropped off in the STEAM donation box located at the front office. Thank you to everyone who has already donated goods.
We have continued to learn about materials, properties and sounds this term. The students brought all their learning together in a recent investigation into musical instruments. They came up with great observations and tested out claims such as bigger objects make lower sounds and harder materials make louder sounds than soft materials. This week, students have started to design their own musical instruments. They have carefully selected the materials they will use to make them, thinking about the properties of each material. We will begin making the instruments next week, so all donations will be warmly welcome before Wednesday.
Students have been developing their understanding of properties of materials through a variety of scientific fair tests. It is now time to put this knowledge to good use. Each of the 2/3 houses have designed a prop or costume that they will be using on the night of the production. We have collectively assessed the materials available to them and have chosen the ones with the best properties for their purpose. We have begun construction of the props/costumes and can’t wait to share our amazing props and costumes with you on those special nights in October.
In STEAM we have moved our focus to production, as students have been set the task to design and create the backdrop for the stage. They have investigated what makes a good backdrop by surveying one another. Through this, they gained insight into the best colours, brightness and images that could be used for each scene. Students were then introduced to the Scratch program, where they will be creating their animated backdrops using block coding. We are all very excited to share what the students create and really set the scene in our production in October.