Year 8 History students have been studying the Japanese Shogunate period, a time where the country of Japan was under military dictatorship and were answerable to the Emperor.
To complete this unit of study students have been tasked to imagine they are a time traveler in this period and are required to submit two journal entries of what they experienced.
Year 8 also took part in a Samurai armour challenge involving lots of newspaper and tape to recreate Samurai armour.
Year 10 Geography are completing a field work report on Lake Albert. Students have also been using an app called “Picture this”. The activity involves students using grid and area reference to find locations around the College, they then identify the vegetation growing in this area and whether the vegetation was native or exotic.
Year 12 HSC Trial examinations are now completed and Year 12 Society and Culture students have submitted their HSC Personal Interest Projects. We wish all Year 12 the best as they prepare for their HSC exams in October.
Mr Rod Buik | HSIE KLA Leader