Academic Care and Wellbeing

Mater Dei's Got Talent
Last Friday we gathered to watch the spectacle of ‘Mater Dei’s Got Talent!’ The College community was delighted with performances ranging from song and dance to Rubix Cube solving and citing the entire (well almost) Periodic Table.
The judges were hard but mostly complimentary with their feedback, and our winner on the day was Jen Lungley in her final performance here at the College. Congratulations to Jen and all of our talented students!
2023 Student Leadership Speeches
This week we had our 2023 Student Leadership applicants deliver speeches to staff and peers. All of those who applied for a College or House Captain position for 2023 did a fantastic job of speaking to their peers about the type of leader they aspire to be. Interviews take place next week and our Captains for 2023 will be announced in Week 10 at our Farewell assembly for Year 12. We are incredibly lucky to have so many outstanding young potential leaders in our community and we look forward to having their energy and enthusiasm to support the College in their final year.
Year 8 SkillUp Challenge
In Week 2 of this Term, Year 8 were visited in class to rate their:
- Progress of learning their skill.
- Motivation or desire to complete the challenge.
Please see the below attachment for more information.
Here are some progress photos..
Year 8 Parent's BBQ
Year 8 are invited to bring their Parents to a BBQ Breakfast next Tuesday 30 August.
Please RSVP here for catering purposes.
Jersey Day Thursday 1 September
On Thursday 1 September, our College will be supporting Jersey Day, we ask students to be involved by wearing their favourite Football colours or a Football Jersey to raise awareness of The Organ and Tissue Authority and the Donate Life Network.
There is no fundraising element to the day, students just dress up to show their support, alternatively, students may wear their Sports Uniform. If students choose to wear a singlet style jersey, they must wear a sleeved shirt underneath.
You may wish to visit the websitefor further information. Thank you for your support of this great awareness raising initiative.
Mater Dei Spring Carnival
Get ready! It's Spring Carnival Time! On Friday 2 September, our College will celebrate Spring Carnival. Students can dress in modest faux fashions (op shop attire).
There will be lollies and soft drinks for sale at recess as well as the faux fashion parade taking place. Prizes for best faux fashions on the field (faux best junior, senior and couple).
The Horse race through the courtyard will take place during lunch - form guide coming soon. So dust off your top hat and tails …cause Spring is in the Air!!!
Ms Melanie Cramp | Leader of Students