Collecting Your Child from School
If your child has an appointment and they are required to leave school early please complete the following:
- Write a note explaining why your child is required to leave school. On this note please supply their name, home group, the reason why they are leaving and your name and phone number.
- Your child is required to drop the note off in the Early Leaver’s folder, which is situated in the main office. If your child is required to leave the school prior to recess, please ask your child to request an Early Leavers pass from Debbie Hopper in the main office. She will write one immediately.
- Your child will be required to sign out on the PINK sign out sheet at the main office, prior to leaving the school premises.
Please note that if your child does not have an Early Leavers pass from the main office, teachers will not allow your child to leave their class. Also, your child is required to keep the Early Leavers pass and if they are approached by a teacher outside the school the student has confirmation they have permission to leave the school premises.
If you write a letter for your child to leave school early, you are NOT required to come in and sign your child out. Also, your child’s attendance will be marked correctly. If you need to collect your child unexpectedly, please contact the main office. We will try our best to organise your child for collection prior to you arriving at school.