Traffic Management

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up – Traffic Management

Parents are reminded of the importance of safety at all times when delivering their sons to St James College in the mornings and collecting them in the afternoons.




Parents are asked to deliver and collect our young men from safe areas, maybe some distance from the Pedestrian Crossing and the congestion in the mornings and at the end of the day in particular, Bignell Road can become very congested directly outside the College due to Nuline buses, St James College buses, parents collecting young men from our College, as well as the normal traffic that uses Bignell Road.


This problem is exacerbated if cars stop in inappropriate places to collect young men, and more importantly, this poses a safety concern. I would ask parents to be conscious of this area by:

  • Following the Road Rules concerning a School Crossing by NOT stopping on the crossing, or stopping within 20m of the approach side of the crossing, or within 10m of the departure side of the crossing.


These areas are sign posted.

Please note the Parking Restriction Regulations along the west side of Bignell Road, outside the college. Parking restrictions are made and enforced by the Glen Eira City Council.


Stopping in these areas contravenes road regulations, and as recently as this week, parents are continuing to stop in these areas.


Vehicles stopping in these areas may be fined by the police and Glen Eira parking offices for breaking these rules.

  • Not parking in the designated bus bay or bus zone on each side of Bignell Road.
  • Organising with your son to collect him further north or south along Bignell Road where it is easier to park and less congested.
  • Avoiding the St James College car park as this is also a Bus Parking Area at the end of the day.
  • Keeping your speed under the 40 km/h speed limit near schools.
  • Possible alternative Drop off and Collection points indicated by the RED lines.

The safety of our students and your sons is our concern, and I thank you for your consideration of the above points.


Patrick Janes

Deputy Principal