College Attendance

Every day counts – School attendance

We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day.


Missing school can have a major impact on a young person’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school.


There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes.

Coming to school every day is vital, but if for any reason your child must miss school, there are things we can do together to ensure they don’t fall behind:

  • Speak with your Homeroom teacher or Year level Coordinator and find out what work your child needs to do to keep up.
  • Develop an absence learning plan with your teachers and ensure your child completes the plan.

Remember, every day counts. If your son must miss school, speak with your Homeroom teacher as early as possible.


New laws mean that parents can be fined for not sending students to school without an acceptable reason.


If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let your Homeroom teacher or relevant Year Level Coordinator know so we can work together to get your son to school every day.


Patrick Janes 

Deputy Principal

Absence Line

If your son is unwell or will not be attending school due to an appointment or other, please inform St James College before 10.30am via the : 

College Absence Line  Ph. 9575 8188