Library News

Reading recommendations

We asked a couple of students to talk about a book they have enjoyed reading.


Abbey Collins, Year 7

Passion is from the  “Fallen” novel series. It is based on the main character, Luce who is a young adult trying to find her way through her past. However she is not alone in traveling through her past, Daniel is right on her tail trying to save her. Passion is a deeply romantic book with a heart racing story,  this book is filled with friend or foe and heart swelling events. Passion explores the depths of love and how strong love can be, whilst also exploring the pain that comes when there is a desire for power and fear within someone. Passion is also a book based in fantasy full of angels, demons and gods, that are mixed in among the humans. The two main characters in the book are both cursed by  gods because one is an angel that has fallen from heaven for the human girl he loves.  


Shenoli Perera, Year 7

A Court of Thorns and Roses is the first of a five book series. It is about a girl, Feyre, whose survival rests on her ability to hunt and kill. So when she spotted a deer she killed it, only to later find out that the deer was a faerie and killing him came with a price to pay. Dragged to a magical kingdom for the murder of a faerie,  Feyre discovers that her captor is hiding far more than just his face. Her presence at the court is closely guarded, and as she begins to learn why, her feelings for him turn from hostility to passion and the faerie lands become an even more dangerous place. Feyre must fight to break an ancient curse, or she will lose him forever. 

Both books are available for loan in the library.


Premiers Reading Challenge

A reminder that if you would like a head start to the Premiers Reading Challenge for next year, come into the library to borrow some summer reading. You can then record what you have read

and add them to your list once the challenge officially commences next year.



A special Christmas: Asking all students to create Christmas decorations for the Library Reading recommendations

The craft boxes are out in the Library and we’re giving students the chance to decorate the Library for Christmas.  Rather than using bought decorations, this year we’re asking all students to create the Christmas decorations to make our Library beautiful in the lead-up to Christmas. 

Students are welcome to bring their handmade decorations from home, but templates and instructions for Christmas decorations - from colouring-in, to paper chains, to angels, to cards - will be available for students to complete during lunchtime and recess in the Library.  

In coming weeks Ms Gotch’s “ Hands on Learning” class will also be making terrific wooden Christmas trees (from pallets) that will be displayed and ready for decoration in the Library.

This way students can relax, have fun and use their imagination to make original decorations to celebrate Christmas. Students will then be invited to take home the decorations of their choice in the last weeks of school to decorate their own homes.