Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community


Our production of Peter Pan is almost here, and the months of hard work will finally come to fruition at the Thornbury Theatre tomorrow night. The intention of this bulletin is to give some final pieces of information.


All students need to be at the theatre by 6.30pm dressed in their costumes. Teachers will provide additional costumes when they arrive. Some children in Grade Prep to Four will have face paint applied with disposal single use applicators. If you do not wish your child to have a small amount of face paint, please let your child's teacher know.  Children may enter the theatre to get their names checked and parents & guests are to wait until the doors are opened for visitors before entering.


Before adults 16 years and over are permitted into the theatre, they will need to show evidence of their vaccination. We ask that all parents and guardians adhere to this rule as this is a mandated piece of legislation by our State Government to keep our event as safe as possible. This is not a decision we have made as a school. We are simply following mandated procedures. Detailed below are accepted vaccination certificates.


 Seats have been allocated and we will have ushers to take you to them. The foyer bar area will be open to wait in, until it is time for you to be seated.



At the conclusion of our production, you are asked to listen for instructions detailing where your child/ren can be picked up. We ask that these instructions are followed as we need to ensure that all children are collected safely by their parents and guardians. Please make sure your child's teacher is notified when you collect your children.


If you wish to make a donation towards the costs of the production, you can place some money in one of the identified boxes which will be placed in the foyer. 


A flyer went home yesterday with all children informing you about how friends, family and neighbours can still watch the show from home. Live Streaming is available for a minimal cost and we are now able to provide a recording of the show with additional photos and videos of the preparation and practice that went into putting on the production.  You will find a copy with information and prices of this flyer attached. 


We look forward to a wonderful night on Thursday,


Take care

Kate and Mark


Please let your family, friends and neighbours know,

  they don’t have to miss out on our great show!

         A LIVE STREAM of our school production will be available on Thursday 9th December at 7pm! For anyone that can not attend in person, 

                               the cost for a live stream for the show is $5.48. 

                                                        Use this link for order and payment details. 


ALSO we have organised Wired for Sound to record our show….also included will be interviews, photos & videos and you can relive the magic of Peter Pan! 

Orders can be made by:

                                                          1) filling in this form & returning to school

                                                          2) Deposit $15 for each recording ordered into :

Sacred Heart Primary School, Preston, P & F

BSB 083 347 - Account No. 19318 7149

The reference MUST be your child’s name & grade. Eg. Kate3


The video link will be emailed a few days after the show when money has been deposited directly into the listed account. 


Name:  ___________________________Child’s Name: _____________________

I want to order  _______ copies  of the recording & will deposit $_______ (total) directly 

into the account listed.

Please PRINT email addresses so the recording can be emailed to: 






                                      For any questions: