Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input:

Jessica Kidd 



What a busy few weeks we have had in PE!

Curriculum Update

Foundation: Students have continued to practice and refine their movement and fundamental motor skills, with a strong emphasis on being a respectful and supportive team member. They have participated in team games, speaking about how we can support and encourage each other to get the best out of ourselves and our team.


As part of the Health Component, students are continuing to learn how to behave as a good sports person.


Year One/Two: Students have continued to practice and refine their movement and fundamental motor skills, with a strong emphasis on being a respectful and supportive team member. They have participated in team and strategy games, focusing on being a resilient and respectful member.


As part of the Health Component, Level 1 students are continuing to learn how to behave as a good sports person.

As part of the Health Component, Level 2 students are continuing to look at the basics of the Healthy Food Pyramid and developing an understanding of why each section represents a different set of foods and their importance.


Year Three/Four: Students have been focusing on invasion and strategy games, with an emphasis on working as a team and using effective communication to achieve our overall goal.


This week the students participated in the first week of a 4 week Baseball Sporting Schools Program. The students started with the basic skills of baseball including catching, throwing and hitting. Throughout the 4 week program, the students will continue to refine their skills before moving in to some match play.


As part of the Health Component, students are continuing to analyse the aspects of the Healthy Food Pyramid and strategies they can utilise to apply it to their everyday lives.


Year Five/Six: Students have been focusing on invasion and strategy games, with an emphasis on working as a team and using effective communication to achieve our overall goal.


This week the students participated in the first week of a 4 week Baseball Sporting Schools Program. The students started with the basic skills of baseball including catching, throwing and hitting. Throughout the 4 week program, the students will continue to refine their skills before moving in to some match play.


As part of the Health Component, students are continuing on the aspect of Mental Health and the importance it plays in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Table Tennis Victoria- After school clinics


For four weeks of this term, students have been provided the opportunity to attend table-tennis clinics on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday after school. These clinics have been possible through our school receiving a Sporting Schools Victoria grant, which has also allowed us to purchase five tables to place into shared spaces around the school. 

Students taking part in the clinics have shown huge improvements in their skills, and have certainly loved the "ball machine" firing ping pong balls in their direction.