Curriculum- Teaching and Learning

Foundation Transitions Information/ Beeswax Wraps SWPBL Initiative

School Wide Teaching and Learning

In each edition of our school newsletter, we share with our community an insight into the curriculum being taught within our classrooms. This reflects our school's strong focus upon continuous improvement. 


Each edition covers a different area of the curriculum, and is supported by our school-wide approaches to teaching and learning. 


In this edition we focus upon providing you an overview of what has been occurring across our classrooms over the past fortnight. 


Foothills Community Care Reverse Advent Calendar 2021


Thank you to everyone who donated to the Foothills Community care Reverse Calendar event. We received some amazing donations including canned goods, pasta, soups, toys, books, Christmas ornaments, tinsel and so many more amazing items. 


Upwey South are so proud of the support which our students show towards those who are less fortunate. Foothills Community Care were so grateful for the support. 


A big thank you to Alice H, Charlee-Belle C, Jack VH and Amelia O who helped collect, sort and pack the items for collection last week. 


Let's TALK Program coming in 2022

Through our existing partnership with Yarra Valley Psychology, our school recently joined a Worksafe Funding Application to promote social-emotional welfare within workplaces and schools. 


As one of five educational organisations/schools we were part of a successful grant application, and will be launching this approach to creating 'safe' conversations in early 2022. 


The purpose of the program is to improve 'school connectedness' and to provide students and staff with a consistent and predictable approach to talking about mental health. A key component of the program is to train all staff, and to train 20 student mentors from Year Four - Year Six. 


Stay tuned for more information early in 2022.