MFG Library News

Library loans and stocktake 2021
Reminders that MFG Library Loans cease on 19th November and that all books need to be returned by 30th November please for the annual December stocktake.
Please be aware that bills will be forwarded for lost books after this date.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Book Donations for Rotary - MFG community
Thank you to all of the families that donated books for the giant Rotary Book Sale - these are now packaged and about to be sent off for sorting and pricing at Rotary. Thank you for contributing to this worthy charity.
Book Week writing competition
Congratulations to all of our entrants for 2021. The Creative Writing prompt was:
"Write a 500 word creative piece. You are leaving earth with your family to colonize a brand new clean planet. List 5 things you will take with you to help you to get settled on the new planet and explain why you chose them..."
We had a great number of entries this year and were delighted to present our winners with their prizes, certificates and $20 vouchers and all entrants with certificates and encouragement gifts. The winning entry from Lucinda Colquhuon 7L and the entries from the 2 runners up (Gemma Ellis 8L and Jasmyn Priest 9B) will be added to the Year book for 2021. All entries are on display in the MFG Library. Well done - it's been a delight!
Click on the photos below for a full list of names.
Access our e-resources via Compass > Favourites or explore options on the Library Website
Miss Marshall
Manager of Library Services and School Archives