
Engaging Live Streaming

Students in the Foundation years have been eagerly engaged in regular check-ins to a live stream on YouTube involving the hatching and growth of a family of peregrine falcons that nest yearly on the side of a building on Collins St in Melbourne.


The cameras are set up providing 24 hour a day footage of nest. The students have experienced the babies hatching and growing. The mother and father leave and return to the nest throughout the day and each time we would tune in to see what was happening we didn’t know what to expect.

Edwin B - D1
Edwin B - D1


Not only has this been interesting viewing but it has also been used as a provocation to base some of our writing on. We brainstormed our thoughts and ideas about what we could see happening and described the changes that were occurring each day.


The live stream for the Collins Street birds is no longer available but there is a similar live stream about other peregrine falcons located in Orange NSW:



You may like to check in at home and use it as a basis for family discussions. This is an engaging and educational way to use technology at any time of the day.