From the EFM and our Parents' Committee.

Second Hand Uniform and Silent Auction.

Fundraiser - Silent Auction - Christmas Gifts.


With donations from Franck Provost, Avenue Advanced Skin Care, Trees Adventures, France at Home, Cacao, Bellite, Pot de Moutarde, Dominique Portet, Frenchilicious and more, you will not want to miss this Auction! 


We have had a fantastic response from sponsors and many families and businesses in our community with more than 40 prizes on offer! Now is the time for you to take advantage of this opportunity, make this fundraiser a hit and show your support for our school.


Register now on or send an SMS with “efm” followed by your full name to 0458 678 678

Eg. efm John Smith and done! It only takes a few seconds to register and you’re ready to place your bids!


Please share the details with family and friends.   Auction closes on December 4th.


Thanks in advance for your support and participation and may the highest bidder win!


EFM & CJC Parents Committee




Attention – Vente aux enchères ouverte !   Avec une offre riche de cadeaux et de bons d’achats de Franck Provost, Avenue Advanced Skin Care, Trees Adventures, France at Home, Cacao, Bellite, Pot de Moutarde, Dominique Portet, Frenchilicious et plein d’autres, inscrivez-vous maintenant!    Nous avons plus de 40 superbes lots et bons d’achat: bons beauté, expérience, wellbeing, gastronomie, mode, mais aussi éducatif avec livres et cours etc. offerts avec gentillesse par toute la communauté francophone et locale de Melbourne.     Pour profiter de cette enchère et participer à une levée de fonds bénéficiant les communautés et les programmes de CJC et Kinders, enregistrez-vous dès maintenant sur et placez vos offres! 

Option aussi de s’enregistrer par sms en envoyant "efm" suivi de votre nom complet au 0458 678 678 (ex. efm John Smith). 


Merci de partager l’information avec vos amis et proches! Attention - l’enchère fermera le 4 décembre.  

Nous vous remercions par avance de votre soutien.      


EFM and CJC Parents Committee



Donations needed for Second Hand Uniform Shop


Reminder - Please do not send donations to the office, they must be given to the wonderful parents' committee persons at the gates as detailed below.

CJC Admin.


Have your children outgrown their uniform? Did they even wear it this year?? Do they just not wear some items? Are they moving on from CJC? Please look through your cupboards and donate unwanted items, washed and dried. Donations accepted Monday 23 Nov - Friday 4 Dec, at drop off or pickup. 


AM: Lori @ Gate 3 (at the back of the school - Salisbury St) 8:45-9.00am

PM: Lori or Valeria @ Gate 4 (friendship bench - Stanley Pde) 3:20-3:30pm


AM and PM: Main Gate on Balaclava Rd (8:45-9:00am and 3:20-3:45pm)


Donations can only be accepted at the above drop off times at the gates mentioned, not the school office.


Details of a virtual sale to come. Meanwhile, thanks for helping other parents secure some handy uniform bargains, especially in this difficult year. All monies raised will be directed back to the school for purchases that benefit all CJC kids.





Lori Silver