College News 


The Oscars came to Copperfield! Year 9 and 10 Media students this year have explored and responded to a variety of media texts and created and made short films in a genre and style of their choosing.

This year has presented many obstacles and opportunities for students and teachers. Media Arts, like many other subjects, has been a subject whereby students had to be resilient, creative and adaptable. 

Many rose to the occasion.

In order to celebrate the achievements of the talented filmmakers, we held in class screenings, aka Oscars ceremonies.  Students rated each film and identified the best film, in addition the best runner up, editor, actor and sound technician.

The results for Ms Huseyin’s Year 11 class were: 

Best Film- Kyle  and Jayden                     

Best Runner Up- Nicholas                                   Best Teacher Award- Elijah 

The results for Ms Huseyin’s Year 10 class were: 

Best Film- Luke               

Best Actor- Lauren 

Best Sound- Mikayla  and Will

Best Editing- Luke.


The results for Ms Huseyin’s Year 9 Semester 1 class were:  

Best Film- Sebastian 

Best Actor- Gael 

Best Editing- Alannah

Best Sound- Juan.


The results for Ms Huseyin’s Year 9B class were: 

Best Film- Chad 

Best Runner Up- Vy 

Best Editing- Charlene

Best Sound- Chad .


The results for Ms Huseyin’s Year 9K class were: 

Best Film- Amirah  

Best Actor- Randeep

Best Editing- Ethan  

Best Sound- Adi 

All students put in a fantastic effort in order to complete great films, working collaboratively in groups, and/or independently. Congratulations to all and we look forward to work that continues to grow in style, quality and depth.



Ms. H Huseyin

Media Teacher



Career Bootcamp 2020

 A group of year 10 students from both Kings Park and Sydenham campuses came together to participate in the fully charged Careers Boot camp program 2020. Unlike previous years due to COVID, the program was a 2 day event, instead of a full week.  Students used the opportunity to further develop their skills and knowledge through a range of activities that explored self-awareness & confidence, employer expectations, resume writing, team work and interview skills. I would like to thank and commend all participants on their enthusiasm, commitment and respect throughout the two-day program. 



Jennifer Zahra

Careers Advisor/Pathways Counsellor