Dates to Remember
Friday 12 February
Dates to Remember
Friday 12 February
Junior School House Swimming Carnival
HDSA Athletics Carnival
Chinese New Year - Year of the Cow
Saturday 13 February
Head of School Boys' Regatta
Academic Scholarship Testing Morning, 8.30am - 12noon
Monday 15 February
Year 7 High Ropes Excursion
Glenelg Region Hockey Assoc AGM, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Tuesday 16 February
Unit 3 & 4 Geography Field Trip
Thursday 18 February
SSV District Tennis
GD Swimming Carnival
Friday 19 February
Student Applications re 2020 VCE Exams deadline
Year 8 & 9 Outdoor Education Excursion
Year 8 & 9 Ag Science Excursion