Sport and PE Report

Water Safety Program

All students across the school participated in an online water safety program last week to ensure our children are aware of the dangers when being near water. Feedback from the grades was very positive, with some fantastic discussions between the students and the instructors at Boroondara Sports Complex.


Reflecting on PE and Sport at BPPS

As you may have heard, I have made the decision to move back into the classroom and will be teaching Year 4 in 2021. I have absolutely loved educating your children in the importance of physical activity as we have improved so many skills over the past five years. I am also extremely proud to have started different sporting programs too, including racquetball, girls footy and junior athletics, as well as changing how we run our senior athletics and whole school cross country. I now pass the Batt-on over to Miss Carley Thomas, who is very excited to teach the school in PE in 2021.


Fingers crossed the sport program can thrive again after such an interrupted COVID 2020. Thanks to everyone who competed in the Virtual Cross Country, House Fitness Challenge and Home Olympics. Onwards and upwards next year!


Cameron Batt

BPPS PE Teacher and Sport Coordinator