Student Leadership

World Wildlife Day 


What a day World Wildlife Day was! 


Our first whole school fundraiser for 2021 was a great success where students were able to come dressed to school in either an animal or plant costume. 


World Wildlife Day celebrates and raises awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. 


It was great to see so many students and teachers being actively involved in this day- raising money to donate to the Royal Botanical Gardens Cranbourne.

isea icare excursion to Seal Rock

News from Billie

Hi my name is Billie I’m an i sea i care Ambassador for 2021. On Wednesday 10th March Kya, Adna, Lillie and I went to seal rock. I have never been on a boat before and I was really scared on the way There I fell over.  I wanted to get to the rails but I couldn't so I had to crawl there. The wave was very big and one of the waves was so big Adna nearly dropped her iPad over the rails. 

Some kids were trying to touch the water that was blasting out. By the time we got there there were so many seals. I pointed out a very big one.  It was so big.  I saw one eating his foot.  I don't know what he was doing.  I was so confused. 

I wanted to adopt them but I wasn't allowed. The captain was controlling the ship without looking. When we were heading back, the captain was giving out cinnamon banana cake.  It tasted so good!  I had so much fun! 

Did you know that when they put their fin in the air, it means they are cooling down?


News from Kya

Hello my name is  Kya, I am an i sea i care Ambassador for 2021. On 10th of March Billie, Lillie, Adna and I went to Seal Rock. 

On the boat  it was pretty bumpy but it was so much fun! Some of the children stuck their hand over the boat to get hit by the waves coming from the bottom. Lillie felt sick since it was bumpy and it was hard to stand straight. There were lots of big waves that made it much better.

There were lots of different schools there. Most of the i sea i care people from the different schools were jealous of our special i sea i care bags. There were two kids that kept playing a game that they got told off for. One of the girls screamed,  it was so loud.

Adna took so many photos of the water, I took photos of all us girls together.  Mrs Halket got the iPad and took a photo and her head was bigger than normal. 

When we were about to arrive at Seal Rock, a kid threw something in the water.  It looked like a banana. There were fat seals, little seals and baby seals too. A fact that the people said...  did you know the boys seals can live up to 18 and the girls can live up to 21?!

Some of the seals were talking to each other.  Billie was trying to adopt all of them when I was laughing.  I had so much fun on this excursion!


News from Adna

Hello my name is Adna. I am one of the i sea i care Ambassadors in 2021. On the 10th of March 2021 Billie, Lillie, Kya and I went on an excursion to Seal Rock. 

It was our first ever excursion in 2021 being an i sea i care Ambassador. It was such an honor being chosen to be one of the i sea i care Ambassadors. I can’t even explain how happy I was to be chosen. Anyway let's get started with me explaining what happened on the boat and where we went.     

On the way there it was a bit bumpy but it was FUN!!  At the bottom level on the boat, people were sticking their hand out so the BIG waves would hit their hand. We had our fruit and snack before we boarded the boat. There were also other schools there. I took so many photos and videos there and Kya took photos of all us girls. We all had our lunch when we were on the boat.  The boat was sooooo big.

When we got closer to Seal Rock the waves got much larger which meant it got harder and harder to stand, especially for me because I was the one taking so much photos and videos.  I almost dropped the iPad in the water so many times, it was so scary for me. Lillie.H almost went over board. The captain of the boat was controlling the boat without looking.  I thought that it was sooo incredibly cool. There were 8 to 12 thousand seals. There was one that was sooo FAT; there were small ones, medium ones and large ones especially fat ones. Here is a fun fact for you: Did you know that when the female seal has a child the mother of the child stays with him or her for a year then the child has to live on their own? Billie, who is one of the i sea i care Ambassadors tried to adopt all of them but it did not work. On the way back from Seal Rock it wasn’t bumpy at all. This excursion was so FUN!!            


News from Lillie

Hi I'm Lillie.  I am one of the i sea i care ambassadors for 2021 along with Kya, Adna and Billie. Last year we were all chosen to be your i sea i care ambassadors for 2021. I am very proud and thankful for the opportunity I have been given by Ms Forbes. I love the role I have been given and I promise to always fight for a clean and healthy world no matter how hard the challenge is.

On March the 10th 2021 we finally got to go on our excursion to Seal Rock.  I was so excited. When we got to school we waited for Mrs Halket at the basketball court and played some games while we waited. Eventually she came and we started our journey to the south dock. When we got there we got on the boat and the engine started humming. Billie and I both felt a bit seasick but eventually we felt better. The breeze was amazing and once the sun came out, so did my sunnies. I loved exploring the boat and looking at all of the beautiful scenery.  It was amazing! After a couple of hours we finally got to Seal Rock. I liked seeing all of the funny seals playing in the water. The helmsmen told us that there were about 10 to 12 thousand seals that call Seal Rock home every year. Did you know that if you see a seal with one fin out of the water it actually means that it's trying to cool off?

On the way back we were all super hot so we decided to get some Mcflurries from McDonalds. While we were finishing, Kya did a  funny dance and we were all laughing our heads off. After that we went back to school and our journey was done.