Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

It was wonderful to experience the Learning Mentor Meetings this week. If you were able to attend, thank you! If you were unable to meet with your student’s Learning Mentor, please make contact with them to check in and organise contact if needed. We encourage you to discuss with your child their progress so far, any assistance and support we can offer, and their goals and plans for the 2021 school year, and relay this to their Learning Mentor, particularly as the end of Term 1 is quickly approaching. 



How often are you checking into PAM? If you require assistance or your password information, please contact us at St. Joseph’s. PAM enables you to check your student’s general progress, and you can also see if your student has received any Commendations - these are incredibly significant and should be celebrated!


If we can assist any further, please let us know!


A reminder regarding our Mobile Phone Procedure for 2021

Please familiarise yourself with the below information regarding our Mobile Phone Procedure. A number of students are still using their mobile phones on site. Please discuss the expectations regarding mobile phone use with your student and the benefits and advantages of mobile phones not being permitted during the school day. 


Mobile phones are a fantastic tool and resource! Our world and our lives have certainly changed significantly with the increased use, accessibility and applications. Whilst mobile phones absolutely have their place, we need to balance this with the needs and requirements of our students and school. 


With this in mind, in line with the majority of Victorian schools, we have changed our procedure regarding mobile phones at school. Mobile phones will not be seen or heard during the school day. This was already the case in regard to class time, however this has been  extended to include break times also. 


It is important to note that communication can continue to be made to your student via the Front Office. 


This change is to support our students in their learning by reducing distractions, conflict and antisocial behaviour, and enabling proper processes and guidelines to be implemented and followed. It also encourages focus and greater awareness, improves communication and positive prosocial behaviours, and encourages less reliance on our phones and social media, allowing us to be more present. This will also support greater care for devices, resulting in less opportunities for damage, loss or theft. 


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our students and parents for supporting this initiative and embracing the new expectations so positively. We are already noticing a significant difference in student interactions and behaviours. 


A reminder of our procedural steps:

  1. Students will be required to hand their phone to the staff member who will take it to the Front Office for collection at the end of the day. (This is to be behaviour tracked and documented.)
  2. Should this occur a second time, the phone will again be removed to the Front Office for collection at the end of the day, and parents/guardians will be contacted. (This is to be behaviour tracked and documented.)
  3. If this occurs a third time, the parents/guardians will be required to collect the phone from the Front Office. (This is to be behaviour tracked and documented.)
  4. If a fourth transgression occurs, the phone will again be confiscated and a meeting will be held with the student, parents/guardians and House Leader.

Thank you!



We continue to provide access to School TV and the wonderful resources and information that are imperative in supporting parents, families and students as we work together to navigate challenges, and celebrate successes, joys and milestones. 

Please check out our SchoolTV by using the link below.


Rach Chapman

College Leader ~ Pastoral Care and Wellbeing