Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting  

Dr Denise Clarke

Acting Assistant Principal

Dr Denise Clarke
Dr Denise Clarke










Teachers are busily preparing their Personal Learning and Support plans for each of the students. Once completed they will be reviewed by the Sub School leaders who will discuss any needed changes with the class teachers and then a final review by the Assistant Principals. These documents will then be distributed to parents/carers by email on the last day of the term - April 1st 2021.



Teacher Aides had their bi-annual briefing for managing anaphylaxis in the school.  This led to staff re-examining all the medical forms and information that supports students participation in the education program.  It was noted that not all parents are aware of the DET information about supporting students' health needs and procedures for distributing medication to students at school. 


Teachers and First Aid Officers have clear responsibilities regarding administering medications to students. Please read the information below as it provides information from the DET and School Policies about expectations in schools.


Student Health & Medication

Many of our students have medical conditions which need to be taken into consideration so students can participate in the school program. The most common are Anaphylaxis, asthma and epilepsy.  Each year parents/carers are requested to get these Action Plans updated and signed by the students doctor or treating specialist.  Staff are trained to follow Action plans as authorised by doctors. 


Student Health Plans

Student Health Plans are prepared for every student who has any health needs. The needs may range from continence needs to consideration for students with particular conditions. These are prepared by staff and discussed with parents on an annual basis.



If a student requires medication, JSA encourages parents/carers to arrange for the medication to be taken outside of school hours. However, some students still need to take medication during the day. Parents/carers should arrange for their medical practitioner to complete the "Administration of Medication" form every time the medication changes.


All medication must be sent to school in its original packaging and pharmacy label matches the information on the form- information should include the students name, the dosage required, how the medication is to be taken, the time the medication needs to be administered and how the medication is to be stored. 


Staff are not trained to administer PRN (as needed) medications except for asthma, anaphylaxis or Midazolam.  


In accordance with the Department of Education and Training Policy, schools do not store or administer analgesics such as aspirin and paracetamol as a standard first aid strategy as they can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury.


Please contact Denise Clarke if you need further clarification.