Year 5/6 Leadership & Wellbeing Day

Written by Ella S, Ninad & Jude 

Year Six Leadership Day


What do you think a true leader is? Have you ever been inspired to become one yourself? That’s what the Year 6’s learned all about on the annual Leadership Day. On Monday the 22nd of February, the 47 leaders of the school participated in a range of sessions learning about how to be a true leader and the qualities they require.  We listened to our teachers, Mrs Streitberger and Mr O’Hern about their leadership journeys and tips and tricks for being the best! We also learned about being accountable and not making excuses. For example, if you came late to school instead of making up an excuse like ‘ My sibling made me late‘ you should be accountable by saying “I am sorry for being late, I will set an earlier alarm tomorrow”. We also completed work books and team building activities on how to be a good leader. 

Year Five Wellbeing Day


While the Year 6’s were busy learning about everything to do with becoming a leader, the Year 5’s had a wellbeing day. Throughout the day, the Year 5’s planned and produced a ‘Character Strength’ lesson to teach a small group of Foundation students about two important Character Strengths you need when you’re in Prep. 

Another activity that both the Year 5s and 6s participated in was the Compass Points- What type of Team Member are you? Using each compass point, students learnt about how each one represents a different working style. It was interesting to see how we work in a team and with others. Ask a 5/6 student what working style they are and why! The whole Leadership Centre had so much fun during this day, thanks to the teachers who helped make it such an enjoyable time.