Principal's News

Dear Parents/Carers,

        Next week many of our students from Grades 2, 3, 5 & 6 will take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. For me, it is that most human of sacraments. The one where we get to admit to ourselves, to others and to God that I am less than perfect. That I don’t always behave in a way that I might be proud of. 

All I can do is my best. Sometimes I’m tired, sometimes busy, frustrated, angry, or I feel sorry for myself. These aren’t excuses for poor behaviour, but we know it makes us more likely to treat those around us with less love and respect than they deserve.

For the many parents preparing their children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, this kind of honesty about our own failings is a good way to encourage our children to demonstrate the same honesty.

Good luck to all of these children.

SCHOOL MASS We are planning to take all of the children to Mass at St Mary’s Church next Friday, March 26 to officially “open” the school year. The children will be travelling by bus to and from the Church.

Unfortunately, parents and friends are not yet permitted to join us at Mass due to Covid 19 restrictions.

ENVIRONMENTAL TEAM Yesterday our Grade 6 Environmental Team met with Kate Lidgerwood to plan for the re-development of our vegetable garden. Kate has established a team of volunteer parents who have been meeting in the garden after school on Mondays and it is certainly getting brought back into shape very quickly. So much so, that we have had 2 new Silky bantams enrolled at the school, who are settling in to their new coop despite the large influx of curious visitors and well wishers.

Thanks Kate

SCHOOL COUNCIL The school council A.G.M. will be held tomorrow evening from 7:30pm in the school’s meeting room. We have two volunteers to replace our two retiring councillors so there will be no need for an election.

We look forward to endorsing the nominations of Olivia Dooley and Sean McGuane at tomorrow night’s meeting, and thank them for volunteering.

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE A long standing tradition in Colac in the Stations of the Cross liturgy that is hosted by Trinity College in the Botanic Gardens. Various community groups are invited to participate by reading a short description of each of the 14 stations and then a prayer. 

The service begins at 11:00am near the playground at the eastern end of the gardens.

All families are invited to come along. If any family would like to represent our school by reading the description and prayer please telephone the school.