Biz - E - Kidz Update

COVID safe measures


Plans for return to onsite Schooling

Biz – E – Kidz will remain closed (except for children eligible for onsite supervision) and will reopen in line with the staged return to onsite learning, as set out in the ‘Roadmap’. (Please see Principal Sarah's message for details in the newsletter). For more information regarding onsite supervision eligibility, the roadmap, and the return to school please see Compass messages from the school and the website.


Please note:

  1. During this period, children will be able to attend Biz- E – Kidz on the days they are able to attend school.
  2. Biz – E – Kidz will honour all existing bookings through the staged return. Any new or casual bookings are subject to availability.
  3. Until further notice, Biz – E – Kidz will only charge for care used and continue to waive the gap fee on absences for days that children are not eligible to attend school.
  4. Last week we emailed a ‘CWA’ (Complying Written Agreement) to all families with a current (pre-lockdown) booking. Families are asked to review this booking, confirm by clicking ‘acknowledge or email to cancel or change.


Biz - E - Kidz and COVID safety

Biz - E - Kidz continues to follow strict COVID safety measures to keep children, families, and staff safe. These are regularly reviewed and updated to follow the latest health advice. Some of these include:

  • Over 90% of currently working staff have received at least the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • Staff and children are not permitted on the premises if they show any signs of illness
  • All staff is required to wear masks while onsite and Children in Year 3 - 6 are now required to wear a mask while indoors on school premises. Other children are encouraged to wear masks as per the latest health requirements
  • Where possible, activities, meetings, and eating is done outdoors. The indoor space is kept well ventilated with open doors and windows and ceiling fans
  • Strict best practice hygiene routines including washing and sanitising hands and surfaces

Thank you all 

Thank you to all Biz - E - Kidz families for everything you do to help keep our children and community safe, including getting vaccinated and reducing movement. 


We miss you all and look forward to when we can open again. 


Please get in touch if you'd like more information regarding COVID safe measures, vaccinations, where to find information about COVID and vaccines in your language on the details below.


Biz - E - Kidz

Errol Street North Melbourne Primary OSHC

210 Errol Street, North Melbourne. 3051Ph (03)9329 5529Mob 0400 838 448
