Introducing our School Council Members 

Nick Sisson, School Council Member

What a challenging year this has been for everyone! 


Our family, like many of you I'm sure, are counting down the days until we can get back to normal. For us that means travelling, usually to visit family in Brazil or New Zealand but often to explore new places. Portugal and Thailand are current favourites but we have ambitions to go to Mexico, Turkey and Iran.  


When not dreaming about travelling, I work for a renewable energy company, and that is another great passion. This is my first year involved with the council and somehow I also find myself looking after the treasury function. So I have a lot to learn! The main objective there is to make sure we prudently allocate the resources we have available on the big, important goals for the school. 


If you have any ideas around that, please reach out. Even if you don't, come and say hi. I drop off my two daughters, Olivia (Year 3) and Isabel (Prep) most mornings and would love to meet more of you person (in the near future). Until then, stay safe.