From the Principal

Ms Noelene Hussey

Dear Families

The excitement begins this week as we welcome the return of our children. Our Preps have done a great job settling back into their class routine. They have been amazing and just seeing their happiness, laughter and joy at being with their friends and teachers reminds us all why we decided to become teachers! We can’t wait for the other levels to return to school and our teachers are counting down the days when they can get back to doing what they all love - teaching our children face to face



I know that this time can be very anxious for us all. We are closely following the Health Department guidelines to ensure we are being as safe as we possibly can. Some these include;

  • Windows and doors are opened to allow for air flow
  • Classes will be held outdoors when practical
  • Children will be playing  in separate yards over the next few weeks
  • Masks are mandated for children in Year 3-6 and our Prep - Year 2 children are strongly encouraged to wear masks. Masks do not have to be worn when the children are playing outside
  • Prep - Year 2 - If your child’s classroom faces the oval, please use the gate near the oval to drop off and pick up. If your child’s classroom faces the courtyard please use the main gate. If you use the Church car park you will use the gate that you normally use. I will let parents of children in Year 3 -6 later in the week where your drop off and pickups will be.
  • All staff have had at least one vaccination and if they are not double vaccinated, a booking has been made for their second one.
  • Air purifiers have begun to be rolled out and when they drive at St Anne’s they will be placed in the appropriate places to ensure our children and staff safety.

I also ask for your cooperation to ensure the safety of our school community;

  • You are required to wear a mask when entering our Office area. If you do not have a mask, then please call the Office and we can assist you via the phone
  • Please ensure you social distance when dropping off or collecting your children each day
  • If you normally help in the classrooms, that you begin to send in your digital vaccination certificates for our records. A reminder that all parent helpers, once permitted to assist will be required to be double vaccinated.

Let’s hope we all have a smooth transition back to school for all of us! If you have concerns please contact your child’s teacher, Monique McIntyre or Kristie Browning our Wellbeing Leaders or myself. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents for the support they have given their children during remote learning. We could have done it without you! Now it is your time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet!



Week 3

Mon Oct 18

PrepPrepPrepYr 1/2 

Yr 1/2 

Yr 5/6

Week 4 

Mon Oct 25



Yr 3/4 


Yr 3/4 

Yr 1/2 

Yr 5/6 

Yr 1/2 

Yr 5/6 

Week 5

Mon Nov 1

School Closed

Report Writing

Cup Day



Yr 1/2 

Yr 5/6 

All Children

School Fees

School Fees have recently been sent to you. If you are experiencing any difficulties please contact Nicole Asciak, our Bursar. I have been asked about your excursion levies. Any money that has not been used will be reimbursed. This will differ for each level as some classes were able to participate in some excursions or incursions before we were locked down.



I would like to announce and congratulate the following children whose Poster for the National Water Week Competition was judged as being successful.


Raviraj  (Prep B) - 1st and Jessica B (Prep B) - 2nd 

Year 4 

Levi (4M) - 2nd and Justice S (4G) - 3rd 


Year 6 

Luke H (6W) - 1st, David P (6B), 3rd and Sarah B (6B) - Received a special mention. 


Grandparents Day

On Friday we celebrate our Grandparents. They play such an important role in the lives of our children. They have an impact on our children’s lives through their regular contact and their unwavering support. I am sure our grandparents love to have their grandchildren visit so they can not only spoil them but to share in their play and answer their questions. Being able to share stories about the ‘olden days’ and their families allows our children to have a deeper insight into their families and culture. So, to all our grandparents we thank you for what you do and if you haven't already, I am sure you can’t wait to give all your grandchildren a big hug!

Our children will be participating in activities to celebrate their grandparents and I hope you enjoy the video when it is shared with your family. 

Let’s all hope we can have our grandparents onsite next year when we celebrate this very special day.



Randomly selected parents received a survey from MACS seeing feedback about our school. This feedback drives our Annual Action Plan as we continue to strive for improvement. If you did receive this survey please complete it as all feedback will be valuable for us for our future planning.


God Bless,

Ms Noelene Hussey