KLA News 


Food Technology

Mrs Anne Healey


Multicultural Stall

Busy week in FT!!! On Wednesday, Year 9 ran their multicultural stall. Students researched a country and decided on a recipe to serve at the stall. Many staff and students came to purchase their lunch today and the students enjoyed much success with their dishes.


Cake Decorating

Year 10  has been undertaking a unit on cake decorating. Following are some of their creations.  Well done Year 10!


Ms Florence Champion de Crispigny



Year 7 French concluded Term 3 by producing an illustrated family presentation in French, including their parents, siblings and even pets. What a capable group! If your child is in Year 7, ask them to show you their presentation. You might find it interesting!

Madeleine Cowley in 7.2 is currently completing a badge in a Special Interest Area with the Scouts. This process aims at encouraging Scouts to try new challenges and pursue existing interests to greater depths. Students set their own goals, enabling them to design a project that interests and challenges them personally. Her special interest is French, a subject for which she has passion and a great ability. She came to me for some ideas and as she is currently running a small French club with some of her peers, I suggested working on a play about Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of France, who, as it turns out, was Madeleine’s confirmation saint!

Here is Madeleine, hard at work with her friends, practising the dialogues of the play and fine tuning their pronunciation, during their lunch break.

Students from left to right: Jessica MacMahon, Brittany Doran, Madeleine Cowley, Lexi Stahlut, Jayda Haynes, Eve Newsome, Mary Natividad.

This term, Year 7 French students are learning about food, expressing what they like to eat and drink and practising ordering in a café. 


Ms Camila Clydsdale


Each of our PDHPE classes have been enjoying the warmer weather this week! A reminder to all students as the weather warms up that a College hat or cap is required for all practical PDHPE lessons, as part of the sports uniform. Why not purchase one of the newly designed truckers caps now available at the uniform shop for $20. 

Yr 7 Striking Games


STRIKING GAMES: Year 7 PDHPE enjoying a lesson of four wicket cricket as part of their 'striking games' unit.


Yr 8 Net and Court Games


Yr 9 Contemporary Games



Yr 10 Backyard Games




Mrs Lily Moar and Mr Daniel Fittler


The fun in Science continues this week with Stage 4 and 5 Science classes.  

Year 7 and 9 are blasting off, exploring space and the possibility of setting up life on another planet.

Year 8 are exploring cells and Human body systems.


Year 10 is delving into the very topical issue of Climate Change.