Remote Learning Year 1


This week, 1AJ have celebrated the final week of term in style! 

Students have enjoyed wearing their craziest hats and hairstyles, brightest tops and favourite outfits during Webex! 

Students in 1AJ have also been working especially hard to plan, draft, revise, edit and publish their own Narratives this week! They have used a Narrative Writing Checklist to make sure their stories include:

  • A main character and setting.
  • Verbs and adjectives to describe their character and setting.
  • A problem and solution.
  • Capital letters and full stops at the beginning and end of every sentence; and
  • Conjunctions to create full sentences that make sense.

Please see the examples of Josh, Shylah, Ben and Zara’s Drafted Narratives to get a taste of what we have been up to. They are very excited to share them with you!