International Students

Enjoying our few days back in school


After two months isolated at home, Year 12 students finally returned to on-site learning last Wednesday. Despite facing disruptions in the previous year, the Class of 2021 are again confronting the challenges of lockdown, now with even more pressure as the exam season for Year 12 is very near. It is getting close to the end of my schooling so I really appreciated seeing my friends on a social level before school ends. I was truly grateful for this sense of belonging that we could sit next to each other in class and share stories with each other. Seeing the happiness again on every student's face was a great moment. 2021 has thrown us some unexpected adversity but I believe we have met these challenges with great strength and positivity.  


Learning from home is hard to manage and it has been quite difficult to stay motivated but our International Students Office has been amazing at providing us extra support. A welcome back care package was kindly given to each of us, filled with lots of wonderful gifts - hand sanitisers, sunscreen, raspberry/fruit drops and delicious biscuits, all gathered and distributed with the collective effort of our International Office staff. Thank you so much for the lovely treats and all the love and support you have shared with us during this challenging time. The whole thing means a lot to us as we know that we are being thought about. We have not had a great deal to be happy about this year, but this will be one of the things I remember. 


Welcome back care packages
Welcome back care packages


On behalf of the international students, we would like to thank Ms Hill, Ms Fiona and Ms Kim from the International Office for taking care of us and preparing these amazing gifts. We are so grateful for your effort to help us get through this challenging year. 


Thu Nguyen – Year 12