From the Principal cont... 

Linda Jones


As mentioned previously we have been advised by DET that our school will undertake a school review with our last Strategic Plan written in 2018. This review will commence in term 3 with us first completing a school self-evaluation. This is an opportunity for us to reflect on our achievements, our strengths and areas where further refinement and focus are needed.

On completion of our self-evaluation, an external reviewer will work with us to offer independent and expert advice on our progress. We will then be in a position to develop and write our next Strategic Plan.

We are very much looking forward to finding opportunities to obtain feedback from our parent community in relation to our school and to seek meaningful feedback in terms of setting purposeful future goals and priorities for our school. As we are not able to currently invite parents on site we would welcome feedback via the following link


This is an opportunity for parents to reflect on our school, its current programs along with our values, strengths and areas for future focus. I thank parents in advance for their time completing this. Your feedback is valued and will be useful in setting future directions.


At all times we need to make online safety a priority. With this return to lockdown and certainly more time at home it is timely to remind us of setting appropriate guidelines and boundaries that work for our homes.

Being on devices is fun. You can play games, look up stuff, get help with you schoolwork and chat to your friends. There is a lot to do and see, but it's also important to know how to stay safe - even when you're doing fun things. For example:

  • Riding a bike is fun, but you wear a helmet to keep safe
  • Going to the beach is fun, but you need to swim between the flags, so the life savers can make sure you are OK
  • When you play outside, you need to wear sunscreen so you don't get burnt

It's the same with being on the internet - it's a great place to be, but you need to think about how to play there safely.

There are many helpful ideas that can help you to stay safe while you are using the internet, here are just a few:

  • If you get worried about something that happens on the internet - close the window down or turn off your computer
  • If you are feeling scared or worried about something that happens on the computer tell an adult about what is happening
  • Don't give out your personal details like your name, phone number, date of birth or address
  • Don't open an email from someone you don't know - delete it instead
  • Keep your passwords secret
  • Talk to your mum, dad or teacher if you make a site and get them to check it out!

This and more helpful information can be found at




Linda Jones & Karen Bentata-Grimm