Mission and Identity 

Youth Mass Attendees

  •  Youth Mass
  • SPX Winter Appeal

Youth Mass

Sunday 6 June saw the celebration of the second Youth Mass for the year at Our Lady of Dolours Church. The Mass was hosted by Mercy College, while students of St Pius X assisted with various roles, as readers, Eucharistic Ministers and providing an update on recent and upcoming events at the College.

Fr David posed questions in his homily about the quantity and quality of information we receive and suggested that perhaps we could be more selective on where we chose to gain information. On the celebration of Corpus Christi we recognised the role of the body of Christ in our lives.

Winter Appeal

Thank you to all who have contributed to our Winter Appeal. As a community we have amassed a substantial amount of goods that we will deliver to St Vincent de Paul and Jesuit Refugee Services in the coming days. Thursday will be our final day of collections so that goods can be categorised and packed. Be sure to look out for images of our collection in next week's Woodchatta.


Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal - Mission and Identity