What's Happening at CHPS 

Library News

Book Fair Update

Thank you to all the families who supported the Book Fair.  I know that there were many families who wanted to make purchases but the cancellation of Open Night and the shortening of the open times, due to the latest shutdown, made it impossible for them.  I am sorry that these families and students were disappointed – fingers crossed for next year!

It was wonderful to see so many children making purchases of books with their own pocket money or birthday money.  Our sales were not up to pre-COVID levels but not too far off it, and with no Open Night this is extremely impressive!  Book Fair takes a lot of time and effort and it is at times like these that we appreciate the wonderful community that we have at our school.  Thanks to the Office staff, Education Support staff and teachers who gave up their time to assist at the Book Fair.  This is not easy at this time of year, as the teachers are preparing for open afternoon/evening (even if it did get cancelled at the last minute) and also working on reports. 

Books that were sold out have been ordered. The company even did a special delivery so that some students who had ordered books earlier in the week received them last Thursday. The rest of the books have been delivered to the school and will remain in the Library Office until students return to school, and then I will deliver them to the classrooms.

Once again thank you to everyone for your support.

Sue Offer   -  Library Technician