Senior School Report

Mr Jason Tickner

Message from the 

Director of  Learning - 

Mr Jason Tickner

At the mid-way point in the term I would like to extend my congratulations to our VCE/VAL students that have been working hard to achieve academic success this term. In many respects Term 3 is probably the most important term in the Academic year as our Yr12s continue to work through curriculum, while preparing for end of year exams. Equally, our VCAL students are working on completing their community projects in PDS, and essential assessments in Literacy and Numeracy while engaging productively in their VET or SBAT programs. During this time, it is crucial that students work hard to not fall behind and balance school and outside commitments sensibly. If parents could also check in with your son/daughter this support will help to create a stable and learning focussed environment encouraging learning growth within their programs.


Our student leaders, Ms. Ellen Rankin (Yr12 Coordinator), Ms. Helen Ifandis (Year11 Coordinator) and Mr. Sean Fraser (VCAL Coordinator) have continued to support students in all aspects of their schooling. Our attendance across the sub-school remains high as does our ability to identify and support our ‘at risk’ students at their point of need. This week term 3 ‘at risk’ letters will be sent out for students that are falling behind in their coursework or not meeting a satisfactory standard in their assessments. Based on this information a range of educational support strategies will be put in place to assist your son/daughter achieve success in their programs. However, students must also recognise that hard work and seeking feedback from their teachers are critical elements to improved academic success. As senior students it is important to be active and responsible for your own learning by setting achievable goals and be willing to change behaviour to achieve these goals. Your Coordinators and subject teachers are more than willing to assist and guide you through this process as well to help you achieve the best possible outcome in each of your subjects.


A reminder that the General Achievement Test GAT is set to take place on Wed 7th September. This year it is a requirement for all students studying a Unit 3/4 subject (including VET) and Senior VCAL students to complete the GAT. Please note that senior VCAL students only must complete Section A: Literacy and Numeracy) of the GAT this year. The GAT assesses skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts, and humanities. The GAT will also assess student’s skills against new literacy and numeracy standards which is a new initiative this year. Sitting the GAT is also an opportunity to better determine how ready students are to move on to further study, training, or employment. For our VCE students requiring at ATAR the GAT results are also important for checking that VCE external assessments and school-based assessments have been accurately and fairly assessed and can be used if you have a Derived Examination Score (DES) situation if required. As stated, there are changes to the structure and logistics of the GAT this year. Section A: assesses skills in literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy. This assessment is 2hrs plus 15mins reading time in duration and will be conducted from 9:30am-11:45am. Section B: assessed general knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts, and humanities. This assessment is 1.5hrs plus 15mins reading time and will be conducted from 1:15pm – 3:00pm. It is important for all students to complete the GAT to the best of their ability. In support of this senior school will be conducting GAT workshops during study space in the coming weeks to assist students to prepare for the GAT. All students need to bring the required materials to complete the GAT which includes a student’s ID card. Without an ID card students will not be allowed in the examination room.


In support of our VCE students preparing for VCAA exams there are several programs and initiates that are being planned for in the coming weeks and months. In addition, to the individual supports that are being provided to students at a subject level by their teachers on a regular basis we are encouraging our students to access external revision programs, workshops, and seminars to support their preparation towards external exams. Right now, we are in the process of organising our Yr12 VCE students to take part in revision workshops run by Access Education. These programs are very beneficial and give great tips on exam preparation at a subject level as well as clarify thing or concepts that may be difficult to understand. The first of these revision seminars is on Monday 26th September. In the second week of the Term 3 holiday period our Yr12 teachers will also be running revision workshops across most subject areas. Again, this a great way to consolidate learning that has occurred through the year and complete exam style questions and problems. Finally, our VCE trial exams will be conducted in the first week of Term 4 this year. All students studying Unit 3/4 subjects internally will be required to sit trial exams during this time. Yr12 students will only be required to come to school for their exams of the 5-day exam period. Again, this is a further opportunity for students to better understand where they are at in their understanding of the key knowledge and skills within their chosen subjects, and importantly recognise areas of improvement leading into VCAA exams.


In the Co-curricular space, our senior students continue to be actively involved in many initiates, programs and events that have occurred outside of scheduled classes. Students have positively taken part in several subject related excursions throughout the term and formed sporting teams represent the Westall SC in several sports. Recently, our senior students attended the House Athletics Carnival participating themselves and encouraging the younger students to do so as well. Our school captains continue to provide great leadership within the school community, driving school improvement initiatives and projects leaving that will their mark on the school in the years ahead.


Overall, I could not be prouder of our sub-school with the way we are working together to align our behaviours and actions with our iCare values daily.


Thank you,


Mr Jason Tickner

Director of Learning – Senior School

Year 12 Biology Practical Investigation

The first few weeks of Term 3, as part of the biology study design students have to plan a practical investigation that links to the content they have learnt in Unit 3 and 4. The students choose a range of different topics that ranged from plant growth, DNA extraction and bacteria growth. It is such a pleasure to see the students link their knowledge and show their curiosity within their investigation. Well done Year 12 biologists!

Ms Loan Luong-Nguyen

Numeracy/STEM Learning Specialist

Year 11 Biology Incursion with TASCA

On Monday 25th of July, The year 11 biology students had the privilege to have Marina and Alice Cronin from TASCA! TASCA stands for Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Australia. It was a great opportunity for students to link the theory they had learnt in class and heard stories about how people live with the genetic condition of Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell. Students are now aware if they may or may not be a carrier and all they need to do is a blood test! They can also spread awareness to others about this genetic condition and help out by donating blood. Here is more details from the organisation:

Ms Loan Luong-Nguyen

Numeracy/STEM Learning Specialist

Year 11 Biology Excursion to GTAC

On Wednesday 13th of July, the Year 11 biology students had an opportunity to attend an excursion at GTAC! GTAC stands for Gene Technology Access Centre and the workshop we attended was based on prenatal predictive genetic testing. We used scientific techniques and knowledge to link how genetics play a role in genetic diseases. Our case study was observing how newborn babies are tested for PKU and as a scientist, how this would be test in a laboratory. The students learnt that babies that test positive for PKU must have low protein diet as their bodies are unable to digest the phenylalanine protein. A big thank you to Ms Paula Mcintosh for coming to this excursion with us!

Ms Loan Luong-Nguyen

Numeracy/STEM Learning Specialist

E Studio Arts: Art Industry Contexts Excursion

VCE Studio arts students visited MUMA and Duldig Galleries this term in preparation for their Unit 4 SAC where they compare commercial and private gallery spaces. The students go behind the scenes at MUMA to experience the methods involved in conservation, preparation, display and transportation of art works both locally and overseas.


Students analyse how curatorial considerations are significant as well as the artists’ intention when displaying art works in a thematic exhibition.


The students gained insight into the organization and structure of galleries. They compared how different galleries use a range of promotional methods, marketing and branding concepts, funding and communications to a wider audience to not only promote their organization but to also promote the specific artworks in the exhibitions.


Ms Helen Ifandis

Year 11 Coordinator & Arts Coordinator

VCAL - Product Design

The students in VCAL Product design - Unit 2 work in collaboration and as a member of a team to develop a product inspired by a design movement.


Currently the students are working on a range of products most of these are interactive outdoor projects. Some of these include a life size ‘chess board’, a cultural ‘totem installation’ and a ‘hopscotch’. Some if the more refined smaller projects include a new range of 3D printed sunglasses, home furniture and garment construction.


Some of the students have been extremely busy redeveloping the landscape outside the Arts/Tech block. Steve has been the ‘brains’ behind the planning and execution of the design work. The students have been preparing the soil for their ‘Cultural totem installation’, by the removal of tree roots and hedges as well as clearing unwanted shrubs. The labour work has been time consuming and intense, though paved the way to the installation of new sleepers that will seal off the garden beds. The students have taken great pride in their projects as well as enjoying the great outdoors!



Ms Helen Ifandis

Year 11 Coordinator & Arts Coordinator