Library News

Hi all,


In the most exciting library nerd news in ages , I've FINALLY sorted the automated overdues for the library.  What this means (for the non-nerds), is that once your child's book is 2 weeks overdue an email will automatically be sent to you asking for either its return or, if your child is still reading it, that they renew it at their next library session. 


If you forget to follow it up you'll receive another email a week later, again asking politely for the book/s return or renewal. 


If you ignore the second email (feeling a bit sheepish, still haven't found the time/motivation to go book-hunting??),  a third and final email will politely request that you replace the lost copy or email me asking for suggestions for a replacement.  


I know right? Incredible stuff!! ❤️😍❤️


Please don't get too stressy if your darling kiddo's book goes missing. Some books LOVE getting lost. BUT, we can't let them all disappear to go adventuring. It would make for slim pickings in the library. 


If there are any issues with the automated system please let me know. There's a fair chance I've got something spectacularly wrong. 


Happy automated overdue watching.


Kim 🙂


(For the fellow nerds, the overdues are supposed to be sent around 8pm in the evening. Keep your eyes peeled. We live in exciting times 😉)