The Adventures of Frankie & Ash

School Support Dogs 

Hello everyone!  We hope you have had a good start to the term.

We are very excited because St Helena will be opening a new Wellbeing Centre in a few weeks' time - and there will be a room for us!  We are really looking forward to starting to work in our proper jobs - as School Support Dogs.  

We have been waiting for our special training but Mum says so many schools are adopting School Support Dogs now that there is a big waiting list.


Mum and Dad thought it would be good for Ash to spend some time on her own without me (Frankie) .  I was a bit worried that Ash might be getting all of the treats when Mum told me that I would be going to Doggy Daycare every Tuesday.    I was not very happy about it at all, but on the first day I made so many wonderful friends!!  Now I can't wait for Tuesdays to come!   Ash goes to work with Mum and gets her own time with the kids and staff, and we get to play together when I get home, although sometimes I am so very tired I fall asleep in the middle of our game.


Mum was not very well last week and Dad was away at work so we had to look after Mum.  We were Very Good Girls, and helped Mum with the gardening because she couldn't do it.   We pruned all of the agapanthus and brought the leaves in for Mum to get rid of.    Ash found some great pebbles and brought them in to show Mum but Mum didn't like them at all and put them in the bin.  We did give Mum lots of cuddles though to help her feel better.  


We have been enjoying some nicer weather and going to play ball in the park when Mum gets home from work.  Ashy has learnt to bring the ball back now too.  She's a big girl - she turns 1 next week.   I hope there is a party with chicken nuggets!!!


That is all.  

Frankie & Ash 

Ashy at work when Frankie's at Doggy Daycare
Ashy destroying the ball thrower
Pretty Ash looking after Mum in bed
Frankie is exhausted on a Tuesday night
Ashy at work when Frankie's at Doggy Daycare
Ashy destroying the ball thrower
Pretty Ash looking after Mum in bed
Frankie is exhausted on a Tuesday night