Secondary Notices

Dates for your Diary

  • Wednesday, July 27 - Comfort for Cancer
  • Monday, August 1 - Year 12 Trial HSC Exams begin
  • Thursday, August 4 -  Year 8 and 10 Student Subject Selection Information Session (during the school day)
  • Tuesday, August 9 - Year 8 and 10 Student Subject Selection Parent Online Forum

Comfort for Cancer


Year 11 would like to inform the Calrossy community about their upcoming fundraiser for Cancer Council NSW. Comfort for Cancer was established by the Year 10 group in 2021, after a discussion about how to be active member within our community and wanting to give back after a loved one’s treatment. Our aim is to promote awareness of the disease and its impact within our community with 145, 483 cancer cases being diagnosed in 2020.


Comfort for Cancer is encouraging members of the Calrossy community to wear their pyjama pants, Ugg boots, track pants, hoodies, Oodies and beanies to support this great organisation that provides information and support to our community on Wednesday 27th July 2022.


A gold coin donation will go towards helping people whose lives have been affected by cancer. Which means funding world-class research, prevention, and support services across Australia, as well as helping patients both today and in the future. 


In addition to Comfort for Cancer, Year 11 are selling sweet treats at recess and lunch, so bring your cash! All funds raised will be donated to Cancer Council NSW. Please support this great cause. 


Aladdin Jr

Calrossy community, the Aladdin Jr Musical Production, Costume Committee needs you!


If you are able to sew and can give of your time to assist with costuming, please email Naomi Turner asap to express your interest.  


We would like to have a meeting either in person or via Zoom at 5.30pm, Tuesday August 2 at BSC campus Music room, 115. All levels of skill welcome!! 😊