Message from the Principal
Mr David Smith
Message from the Principal
Mr David Smith
School expertise lies very much with helping students to grow at each stage of their development and to develop as great people into adulthood. However, sometimes our media does not always appreciate children and adolescents and misunderstands the stages, forgetting that youngsters are not yet adults, often thinking differently. This is not a new phenomenon. Plato quoted Socrates’ 13th Century bemoaning of the same issue "The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint... As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behaviour and dress."
Socrates was unfair in his singling out of young women, which clearly reflected his patriarchal society. In contemporary time such as ours we know that neither boys and girls always see things the same ways as their parents or earlier generations.
It is not a new thing for adolescent and children to negotiate situations in which standards and expectations seem to be shifting or inconsistent. There is a fine balance between students requiring some boundaries and assuming responsibility and ownership for their own actions. There is the mistake in having no expectations and allowing students to set their own standards.
A difficult thing for adolescent and children is negotiating situations in which standards and expectations seem to be shifting or inconsistent. There is a fine balance between students requiring some boundaries and assuming responsibility and ownership for their own actions. There is the mistake in having no expectations and allowing students to set their own standards.
At Calrossy, we strive for high expectations of students in the classroom, in the manner in which they arrive on time for lessons, in their personal presentation and how they treat each other. Such a culture promotes an environment for success. Students may not always appreciate this, especially during adolescence, but school research and experience suggests that when expectations are clear and consistent but fair, the students feel a greater sense of security and are more comfortable.
Respecting the right and privilege of teachers to teach, students to learn and promoting positive relationships across our School are worthy aims. It is all part of ‘having high but realistic’ expectations. Aspiring to model respectful relationships and caring for each other is central to this. Respect and consistency are worthy virtues for a school and its parent body, as we seek to work together for a positive environment that supports children and emerging young adults. Getting it right at each stage is part of the challenge, as the required conditions and teacher relationships for Infants children, early teens and Year 12s for example, differ considerably. An example of this is the autonomy given to much older students and the need for them to take on much more experience. A good school knows this and responds.
At Calrossy we recognise the potential of our young people and we believe that success and growth should be celebrated in all aspects of school life, whether it be in confidence, relationship skills, resilience, spiritual understanding, personal achievement, academic progress or in developing as a ‘great individual.
The support of the whole school community in this will ensure that we maintain productive lessons, a vibrant school and a safe and secure place for all our students. Of course, as a school based on Christian values and Biblical principles, we wish to demonstrate the values of grace, integrity and justice as well as emphasising the worth of each member of our School community. The relational nature of our School is a precious thing and I believe that keeping a fine tension between high expectations and pastoral concern is both achievable and desirable. Let’s celebrate our young people and the success they enjoy as they grow, knowing that they are not yet fully mature. That we see great adults emerge from our School is evidence of success. I want us to be a place that gives kids good press!!
“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favour and good success in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3: 3-8
David Smith