Wellbeing Resources

Understanding emotions can be tricky

Events or happenings that seem trivial to us may produce a huge reaction from your child…because it is a big deal to them.  Allow children to feel the feeling and help them understand why big emotions take over and learn strategies to help calm and control emotions.  During the moment, try to help calm your child…nobody listens to reason when heightened.  When calm, you can talk about big feelings.  Below is a great analogy to explain how our brain works for children.


How can you recognise the body signs of your feeling brain taking over?

You may feel tense, hot, sweaty, a rapid heart rate, not thinking clearly, wanting to throw, kick or hit something.


What techniques may calm you to allow your thinking brain to regain control?

You might try deep belly breaths, counting forwards or backwards, do some stretches, go for a walk, run on the spot, punch a pillow, do some push ups or push against a wall.


Different strategies will work for different people so try a variety to find what works for you.  It is important to practice the calming strategies when you are calm so when big emotions find you (and they will) you will remember the calming strategies that work for you.  Encourage your child to practice with you…it can be a fun thing to do together!


Take care and stay safe 



School Social Worker