Learning across Torrens

Torrens 2022


This semester we are beginning to use the Dfe Mathematics Unit Plans as the primary learning source for our students.  The areas of focus for Mathematics in Semester 2 will:

  • Fractions
  • Patterns and Algebra
  • Measurement
  • Statistics and Time
  • Shape
  • Chance and Data

There will be many hands-on learning experiences for all students as well as workshops focusing on specific skills and strategies. Students will be encouraged to take risks, make many learning attempts and demonstrate their understanding at all times.


Number Facts

Students will continue to practise number facts at every opportunity as knowing these facts with fluency and automaticity is required in all areas of mathematics. In addition, they will be building up and using their fluency with multiplication facts to learn division facts.

It is essential students have a good working knowledge of addition and subtraction facts to 20 and develop strategies to work with larger numbers. 

This can be achieved with students accessing the Splashlearn site - https://au.splashlearn.com/ and completing both the learning opportunities selected by their Maths teacher as well as the various games and activities.


This semester, the essential skills of reading comprehension will continue to be a focus during English.  These skills will be developed through Literature Circles, reading conferences and goal setting. 


Students are expected to read nightly as part of their homework as this enables them to apply and consolidate skills learnt at school. 


This Semester, year 3 students will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of the language and structural features of Narrative, followed by Procedure texts.


Year 4 students will be exploring the following topics:

Humour in Poetry

Aboriginal stories

Stories from Asia




From Monday to Thursday, students begin the day with a spelling workshop. They are differentiated into ‘Quick’ and ‘Thorough’ groups based on pre and post test performances.  


Groups are assigned targeted activities based on student needs with a focus on understanding featured sounds, spelling patterns and conventions. During workshop learning activities, students discover new spelling rules with the expectation that students will transfer these skills into their everyday writing. 



This term, Torrens will continue to explore the History element of HASS. Students are differentiated across classes into year level groups to receive targeted learning based on their ability level.  

Year 2 - Students are learning to:

  • Describe a person, site and/or event of significance in the local community. 
  • Identify how and why the lives of people have changed over time while others have remained the same. 

Year 3 - Students are learning to:

  • Identify individuals, events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present.
  • Identify and describe aspects of their community that have changed and remained the same over time. 
  • Identify the importance of different celebrations and commemorations for different groups. 

Year 4 - Students are learning to:

  • Recognise the significance of events in bringing about change.
  • Explain how and why life changed in the past and identify aspects of the past that have remained the same. 
  • Describe the experiences of an individual or group in the past.


In term 4, the focus will be shifted to the Geography element of HASS. Students will again be differentiated into age level groups where they will receive targeted learning based on their ability level.

Year 2 - Students will learn to:

  • Identify the features that define places and recognise that places can be described at different scales. 
  • Recognise that the world can be divided into major geographical divisions. 
  • Describe how people in different places are connected to each other and identify factors that influence these connections.
  • Explain why places are important to people, recognising that places have meaning.

Year 3 - Students will learn to: 

  • Describe the location of the states and territories of Australia, the location of selected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Countries/Places and selected countries neighbouring Australia. 
  • Describe the characteristics of different places at local scales and identify and describe similarities and differences between the characteristics of these places. 
  • Identify connections between people and the characteristics of places and recognise that people have different perceptions of places.

Year 4 - Students will learn to:

  • Describe the location of selected countries using compass direction. 
  • Describe and compare the characteristics of places in different locations at local to national scales.
  • Identify the interconnections between components of the environment and between people and the environment. 
  • Recognise the importance of the environment and identify different possible responses to a geographical challenge.

The Arts

In The Arts, students will take part in Music & Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Design & Technologies. Students will be working with a different Torrens teacher each rotation, offering students a range of experiences and expertise. This is a great chance for students to try things they may have never done before, have some fun and laughs as well as develop new skills and abilities.

Design and Technology

In Term 4, students will be working on a group Design and Technology project. Students may need to bring in some bits and pieces from home to assist them with their design and creation. More details to come.

Program Achieve (YCDI)

Program Achieve is an evidence based social-emotional learning program that maximises success, positive relationships and wellbeing. Research published over the past decade continues to report the positive impact of Program Achieve on mental health, wellbeing, achievement, behaviour and positive relationships. 


Program Achieve teaches the Personal and Social Capabilities outlined in the ACARA learning standards framework. In Torrens, we implement at least 1 lesson per week or equivalent over each term.Domains for Program Achieve include: 

  • Achievement 
  • Relationships 
  • Wellbeing
  • Social-Emotional Blockers