What's Happening in Semester 2?

Goal Setting Conferences
Term 3 - Weeks 5 & 6
LNPS continuously strives to create the best possible conditions for learning, and an important element is our approach to student goal setting. Throughout the year students and staff engage in learning experiences where time is taken to discover strengths and the areas for growth that they would like to focus on.
This term students will reflect on their existing goals, refine goals as needed, celebrate achievements and plan for further growth.
Goal Setting and Learning Conferences will be happening over Week 5 and 6 (22nd August to 2nd September).
At this stage, DfE has advised that we will be able to hold face to face meetings. This is really exciting as the last time this occurred was in 2019. Details of the protocols for meetings will be communicated in the near future.
The Sentral Portal for bookings will be open to families on Thursday 11th August from 3pm and close on Friday 19th August at 3pm.
Families will receive an email on Thursday 11th August with details and the link for booking conferences.
Important Dates
24/8 - Book Week Parade
25/8 - Book Week Electives
1/9 - District Athletics Day
5-9/9 - Swimming Week
21/9 - LNPS Community Night
30/9 - Last Day - Early Dismissal (2:10pm)
Dates: 5th - 9th September
Students will be participating in swimming lessons in Week 7 of Term 3. These lessons will be at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre, North Adelaide.
Book Week
Theme: Dreaming with our eyes open
Dates: 22 - 26 August 2022
The annual LNPS Book Week Parade will be held in the Gym on Wednesday 24th August from 9:00am.
We encourage all students to dress up as their favourite book characters for the parade to celebrate stories and the joy of reading. We would love to see some creative costumes that are connected to books or the theme Dreaming with Eyes Open......
Students will also be participating in a range of electives connected to Book Week on Thursday 25th August.
More information will be distributed in the coming weeks.
Community Night
We are beginning to consolidate plans for our annual LNPS Community Night which is scheduled for Wednesday 21st September from 5pm to 6:30pm.
This year the concept will be around an exhibition of learning and building connections with our community. Our parent community has not been within school grounds and buildings since 2019 and this has been challenging for all.
The purpose of community night is to informally bring families together and provide the opportunity to walk through indoor learning spaces and for our students to share their learning.
In consultation with our Governing Council chairperson and in response to the community survey form 2021, the structure of the event will include:
- Exhibitions of learning (students showing their parents their learning, visual displays). This could also be pre-recorded lessons (learning in action); small groups; google presentations etc.
- Early Years Redevelopment official opening
- Building Connections - informal gathering with food and coffee trucks in the quadrangle
We are really excited about being able to welcome families back into the school.
Logistics for the event will be worked through over the coming weeks and communicated to families.
Sports Day
Date: Term 4
More information to follow through Whole School newsletters.
Year 3/4 Camp to Douglas Scrub
Dates: 28 - 30th November
We are excited to share that the Torrens Year 3/4 camp will be in Week 7 of Term 4. Students will be participating in activities such as rock climbing, shelter building, billy cart challenge and team challenges. The other challenge will be some students sleeping in tents!
Thank you to all the parents and students who have returned the forms indicating their consent. There is still time to change your minds and let your teachers know.
Invoices and information about what to bring will be handed out early in Term 4.
Students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:30am when Yard Duty begins. For the safety of all students we ask that parents make arrangements so that children are not left unsupervised in the school yard. The school provides a before school care service to ensure that all students are supervised appropriately before 8:30am. Please contact the OHSC on 84435308 to arrange enrolment. If there is an occasion when students arrive close to, but before 8:30am, it is expected that they wait on the seats next to the flag poles at the front of the school. Torrens classroom doors will be opened at 8:50am allowing students to sign in on their teacher's computers and organise themselves for the day. If students arrive after 9.00am, they need to sign in at the front office before coming to class. Due to COVID-19, parents are requested to refrain from entering the Torrens building throughout the day. If you need to personally speak to one of the teachers, families are politely asked to make an appointment through emails or phone for more in-depth discussions.
Parents can communicate via email. All absences must be explained.
Torrens Staff
Learner Support
Specialist staff
Physical Education: