A 500-Day Streak on Doodle Maths!

An interview between Anders a student in Year 5B, and Celeste, Year 5 teacher about his passion for Doodle Maths. 



Do you remember when you first began your streak?  

It was around the start of Year 4 in Tom’s class. I really liked the way it encouraged me to be persistent and complete a little bit every day. 


How has completing Doodle Maths each day helped you?  

It helps me because I can practise my maths skills each day and slowly improve. 


What advice would you give to students trying to achieve a 3 - digit streak?  

For me, the key has always been a good routine – I reminded myself (and sometimes my Mum reminded me) to do my 7 or 8 questions a day. Sometimes I do it in the morning before school, and other times I complete it in the afternoon. 


Did you ever think you would reach 500 days?! 

Not at all! I remember when Tom said in Year 4, “make sure that you’ve been doing doodle maths, because I’ll be checking”. This kept me on track, and I was motivated to earn Dojo Points. When I saw my streak going up, I set myself a goal to use Doodle Maths every single day for as long as I could. 


Are you going to continue your streak? What’s your new goal? 

I am going to try! I’m now aiming for 600 days as my new goal.