Junior School Learning

Grades Prep F and P1L

In Prep Fletcher and Prep 1 Lindsay students have been writing expositions. Exposition is a type of text written to try and convince the reader to agree with the writers point of view. Students have discussed that it is OK to have a different opinion and have written an exposition about dogs being better than cats or cats being better than dogs. There were some fantastic arguments written and students thoroughly enjoyed this personalised style of writing. Students also wrote about ‘the best thing to do after school’ and Mr Lindsay and Mrs Fletcher were very interested to see the range of opinions expressed.


Students have also been developing their fluency (how smoothly they read) and expression by noticing the range of punctuation in their books.  They have completed punctuation hunts and are beginning to explain the role of each type of punctuation.


In our numeracy sessions, students have been learning to comparing the length of items using the language of ‘longer, shorter, taller, smaller’. They have also compared the mass of objects by hefting two items and verbalising which weighs more/less.


This week students are revising 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes with a focus on identifying their features (corners & sides).


In inquiry, we are starting to create our dioramas of the Teesdale township. Please ensure your students brings along a shoe box (or similar) to school so that we can make a start on these. 

Grades 1 and 2

Inquiry has taken us all over Australia and the world this term. We have been learning all about Australia and the amazing landmarks we have. We have been able to link these to different Dreamtime Stories. We have loved learning about Tiddalick the Frog and The Rainbow Serpent.

In Maths students in ½ have been learning about creating maps and giving directions. Students have had a lot of fun creating their own island with buried treasure!