Grade Four

Over the past few weeks, students have been working hard on writing their own narratives for an imaginative world. There was a heavy focus on students imagining themselves in their world and building the characters and places that would be part of it. This allowed students to be much more descriptive with their writing and made their pieces engaging for their readers.


Students have begun their unit on informative texts. They have been looking at how different authors present their information and how they engage their readers. They are beginning to develop their own informative texts which have been greatly inspired by their visit to Melbourne Zoo this week.


In Maths, students have been working on mapping, which has also been linked to our visit to the Melbourne Zoo. They have explored directional language and features of maps to learn to navigate their way through the Melbourne Zoo. The students are now in the process of using their learning to create their own map for a guest to their zoo.


Integrated this term is all about Sustainability. The students have been looking at the local environment and the flora and fauna that lives here. Students have explored different climates and the biomes that different continents have. They are beginning to understand how the climate impacts flora and fauna in these biomes. As we progress through our unit we are looking forward to the students gaining a deeper understanding of biomes and how we can protect our local environment. They will have the opportunity to design a natural garden with the intention of attracting local bird life. We are excited to see what ideas the students come up with!


The Grade 4 Team