Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

Wednesday, 16 AugustTCPC Guest Speaker Night: 'Growing Good Blokes with a Healthy Sense of Masculinity' - An Evening with Mike DysonTickets on sale
Friday, 18 August                            Year 11 Dinner Dance                  Sales close on Wednesday
Saturday, 19 AugustFootball Presentation EveningTickets on sale
Sunday, 20 AugustRugby Presentation EveningTickets on sale
 Hockey Wind-UpSave the date
Friday, 25 AugustAuxiliary Morning Tea Tickets on sale
 Soccer Presentation EveningSave the date
Friday, 1 SeptemberJunior School Fathers' Day BreakfastSave the date
Sunday, 10 SeptemberRock Band Showcase (Years 7-12)Tickets on sale

'Neon Nights' - Year 11 Dinner Dance

Year 11 students are reminded that registrations for the 2023 Year 11 Dinner Dance, 'Neon Nights' close next Wednesday (2 August).


The Dinner Dance is an opportunity for the boys to invite a guest and enjoy a night of good food and dancing in a semi-formal setting.

  • Date: Friday, 18 August 2023
  • Time: 7.00pm - 10.45pm
  • Venue: Beaumonde on the Point, 306 Riverside Drive, East Perth
  • Cost: $80 per person
  • Booking deadline: Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Further information about this event, including student and guest expectations, the event contract agreement, and the table arrangement form, has been emailed directly by Head of Year 11, Mr Clint Testa.

TCPC Guest Speaker Night: 'Growing Good Blokes with a Healthy Sense of Masculinity' - An Evening with Mike Dyson

What is healthy masculinity? In a world of complexities, the understanding and actions of manhood at any age can be quite a complex path. Mike Dyson, Founder of Good Blokes Co, is here to have that conversation, and to provide context and the tools to navigate the world of being a good bloke with a healthy sense of masculinity. 


This informative, positive and practical 90-minute presentation will explore the gap between the character traits that boys aspire to and the evidence of their wellbeing and behaviour. Mike will discuss themes including, but not limited to: the broader culture of masculinity and its impacts on boys’ mental health, risk and aggression, boys’ relationships with girls and women, the quality of boys' social connections, and the interplay between stoic masculinity and social media. Additionally, Mike will give some very practical tips for getting boys talking on all kinds of difficult topics at home, and a large list of conversation starters. There will be an opportunity for audience Q&A at the end of the presentation.


This event is proudly presented by the Trinity College Parent Council.

  • Date: Wednesday, 16 August 2023
  • Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
  • Venue: Trinity College Sports Centre
  • Note: Adults will receive a small grazing box and piccolo wine as part of their ticket price. Students will receive a complimentary water bottle.

Auxiliary Morning Tea

Registrations for the 2023 Auxiliary Morning Tea are now open! This year's theme is “Women's Health and Wellbeing”.  Guest speakers - Dr Michelle Cotellessa, and Dr Sunita Chelva from Hera Menopause - will present on women's health, particularly the joys and challenges of menopause, what to look out for and what you can do to stay healthy. Guests will also enjoy a delicious morning tea as part of this special event.

  • Date: Friday, 25 August 2023
  • Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm
  • Venue: Gibney Hall, Trinity College
  • Cost:
    • Table of 8: $200 per table
    • Single seat: $25 per person


Volunteer request

Can you volunteer your time towards event set-up (afternoon prior), on-the-day service of morning tea, and/or post-event pack-down? Please email TC Events Coordinator Miss Melanie Dunn at events@trinity.wa.edu.au to confirm your availability. Click on the 'Detailed Event Information' button above for further details.


Food and raffle prize donation request

Families are requested to make the once-a-year contribution, with thanks. Click on the 'Detailed Event Information' button above for further details.

Auxiliary Meeting

A reminder that there is an Auxiliary meeting this coming Monday at 8.30am in the Boardroom.