From the Principal's Desk

Guess Who Came to Visit?

Our Year 1/2 children got a huge surprise today when Mrs Chantel Simon popped in for an impromptu Show 'n' Tell this morning with baby Alessio in hand. 

Both looked glowingly well (would you expect anything else?) and Alessio loved all the attention.

Fish 'n' Chips  Day

Thank you to all families who placed an order for our  Fish 'n' Chip Day next Monday 7th August.  


An Operoo Form went out today asking for volunteers to help distribute the orders next Monday so if you are available, please complete your details and submit the form.  


Our children are certainly looking forward to the feast but please note that NO MORE ORDERS CAN BE TAKEN.

School Closure Days

Professional practice requirements of the new Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Employer Agreement, along with the availability of presenters, have led to some adjustments needing to be made to our professional learning program for 2023.


Please take note of the following School Closure Days:

  • Monday 4th September
    • Positive Behaviour Support
  • Friday 3rd November -
    • Assessment and Reporting
  • Monday 6th November -
    • Teacher-Directed, Professional Practice
  • Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day



Talking about babies our Corpus Christi Family has been growing by the day!


In most recent times we have welcomed: 

  • Maisie, baby sister to Samuel (Yr Prep)
  • Edison, baby brother to Arianna (Year 4)
  • Mariam, baby sister to Habib (Year 1)

100 Days of School

Our Year Prep children celebrated their first 100 days of school this Monday and came to school dressed as 'all things' 100.

And what better way to celebrate than enjoying a 100s and 1000s sandwich?


Congratulations on a great milestone! Only 1227 days to go until their Year 6 Graduation (give or take a day or two).


God bless

Anthony Hyde
