Oliver Jr!  Production

Caitlin Lunnon and Jordann West

Firstly, we would like to thank every single person who came along to support our first musical: ‘Oliver Jr!’. Your support was undoubtedly what made this show so exciting for our students, and we are so immensely grateful. 


Our musical season has come to an end; the four nights were absolutely incredible.  After months of rehearsing, getting lights installed, creating sets and props and learning the ropes around new technical equipment, the shows were suddenly upon us. Backstage was filled with excitement, nerves and above all, compassion! Our performers and crew have built connections and friendships due to this shared experience and this was particularly evident during each show. For us as directors, this is what it’s all about. The students gave it their absolute best for each show, whether on stage or side stage helping with set changes. The buzz in the foyer after each show was absolutely exhilarating!


Thank you to the cast and crew for dedicating your time each Thursday and many Saturdays.  Because of your dedication, we were able to create something magical!  We hope that this show was able to showcase the talent that our students have and encourages more to join in on the fun next year. 


Any thoughts on what we might be thinking of for the next show…?


Caitlin Lunnon & Jordann West

Production Coordinators