School Council President

Happy Principals' Day Mr Webber


It seems like he's been here forever (in a good way!) so it's easy to forget that Mr Webber only joined us at the start of term 2 this year.


Since arriving at ACPS, he's made his mark with students, staff and families and has certainly fit right in to the ACPS community and culture.


Mr Webber has kicked the footy, played touch rugby, coached the girls' football team, gone on camp, got dunked to raised money for MND, introduced school-wide hide and seek, danced the Macarana, held staff, student and parent focus groups...and much, much more.


And as of the athletics carnival this week, we can add founded and competed in the "Principal's challenge" 100m race against the fastest grade 6 boy and girl.


It was a close race and there's some debate (or is it denial?) as to the results, but it may become an annual thing so start training for next year grade 5s!


All this has taken place while Mr Webber has been actually running the school and working hard with the teachers and the Department of Education to make sure that ACPS once again becomes the school of choice for our area.


Our students showed their appreciation by screening a video of the 5/6s wishing him a Happy Principals' Day and the day was capped off in style with a rousing ovation  (including chanting and foot stamping) from all the students at the school assembly.


So Happy Principals' Day (for last Friday) Mr Webber! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our school.

Save the date - ACPS trivia night

It's been a few years since our school held a social night for parents but I'm very pleased to announce that we have a big one planned for this year. It will be a great occasion to help raise funds for the school but just as importantly, to have fun and get to know other members of the school community better.


We will be sending out more details early next term, but please put Saturday 14 October in your calendar to save the date for a school trivia night. The night will feature a live band, drink sales, optional food hampers for tables, silent and live auctions, and of course a chance to show off your trivia knowledge.


This will be one of our major fundraisers for the year and we are looking for volunteers to help us organise and set-up for the evening. Please email if you are able to help in any way.


We will also be looking for items for our auctions so please get in touch if you or someone you know would be interested in donating to help the school.