In Term Three You Can Do It (YCDI), students are continuing to build on their social and emotional skills through the YCDI Keys to Success of Persistence, Organisation and Getting Along. YCDI is integrated within our inquiry question of ‘How Do We Communicate?’



To support our performance in the production, the children will develop persistence, confidence and collaborative skills through the lens of empathy when rehearsing their production song. They will also deepen their problem-solving skills during play through negotiating, turn taking and compromise. 


Furthermore, to continue our wonderful learning about Respect during Term 2, the children will have opportunities to reflect on respectful actions towards themselves and others. This will include taking pride in their learning and showing independence at school. Through this learning, we hope to instil confident, independent children who strive to do their best in all areas of their school life. 

Key Language used this Term

confidence, practise, persistence, production, empathy, negotiate, compromise, problem solve, pride, respect


To support your child’s learning at home:

  • Have conversations around getting along and negotiating in different situations. 
  • Always praise them when they have shown the keys to success, such as showing organisation and persistence in their learning or chores (This could be cleaning their room). 
  • Play games that involve turn-taking and winning and losing. Discuss the different emotions felt during these situations.